Why Does Presley Have Cal’s Tablet?

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Paradise Episode 5 is now streaming on Hulu and Disney+, and viewers are eager to know what happens in the episode. Titled In the Palaces of Crowned Kings, the episode explores the final days of Cal’s life through the perspectives of other characters. This includes moments that the audience briefly glimpsed in earlier episodes. Here’s everything you need to know about the ending of Paradise Episode 5.

Paradise Episode 5 hints how Cal died

Episode 5 suggests that Cal knew he would be killed soon.

The episode begins with a flashback to a time before Cal became president. It teases his relationship with his father, an oil tycoon, and throughout the episode, their dynamic is further developed. It has already been established in the show that Cal was essentially a figurehead in Paradise City.

Episode 5 reveals that even his father held more power than he did. In his final days, Cal began to challenge the constraints placed on him, asking questions and rebelling against the norms. He discovered restricted components on his tablet and used his father’s fingerprints to gain access. Through this, he learned the truth about Billy and how the former mercenary was being manipulated by Sinatra. Cal even confronted her about the secrets she was keeping from the people.

Cal understood that his death was imminent. Aware of what Sinatra was capable of, he left behind clues for Xavier. Toward the end of Paradise Episode 5, Xavier orchestrates events that expose the truth to the citizens of Paradise City, ensuring that both Cal and Billy’s sacrifices were not in vain.

Why does Presley have Cal’s tablet?

In the final moments of the episode, it is revealed that Presley has Cal’s tablet. Cal’s father, who appears to be suffering from some form of dementia, claims that he saw Presley on the night of Cal’s death. However, his words are dismissed by the remaining family members. While it is unlikely that Presley was responsible for Cal’s murder, she may have witnessed the true culprit and could hold the key to solving the mystery.

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